“bold, creative, elegant design, as well as a range of stories documenting life in the pacific northwest.”
Richard Just, former editor, Washington Post Magazine, and Stephen George, editorial director, Discover Magazine
for Runner-Up in the National Student Magazine Contest by the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
FLUX Magazine is the award-winning annual capstone publication of the University of Oregon’s School of Journalism and Communication. Dedicated to capturing the spirit of the Pacific Northwest, FLUX delivers impactful feature stories and captivating visuals that reflect the region’s evolving culture. As one of two art directors, I led a team of six designers in creating and refining our 76-page publication in just five weeks. In my role, I facilitated communication between our design team and the editorial staff, coordinating meetings, critiques, and feedback sessions. I also designed layouts and visual elements, including the dynamic MMA photo story *A Fight for Change.*